As the Internet transforms from a static resource to a utility platform enabling two-way
communications, malicious threats have increased in volume and shifted their focus toward
the Web. Hackers are exploiting the vulnerabilities of an open and dynamic web to distribute
their malware rather than creating their own malicious websites. Web malware infection from
reputable websites that have been compromised is now not only a reality, but is now the
preferred route to infect victims. This change has made traditional methods of control such
as anti-virus less effective and requires an alternative approach to security.
Cloud-based Web Security
Cloud-based Web Security, the award-winning solution from ScanSafe, offers protection
for organizations of all sizes against known and zero-day malware attacks. Enabled in-thecloud, ScanSafe Web Security enhances security while enabling cost savings of up to 40% by eliminating the need to purchase, deploy and maintain hardware required for on-premise
ScanSafe Web Security allows organizations to build a granular global policy for all web traffic, including SSL encrypted communications. Security policy can be created based on categories, content, file types, schedules, and quotas to suit your organization. Coupled with this, integrated outbound policy ensures that confidential data, such as customer details or credit card numbers, does not leave the network. ScanSafe Web Security analyzes every web request to determine if content is malicious, inappropriate or acceptable based on the defined security policy. This offers effective protection against threats including zero-day threats that would otherwise be successful.