All the data in our Computer stored in HardDisk So ,it is important to make sure we take care of them so that our data remains safe.
This Post Will covers the measures that you can take to increase the life of your computer’s hard drive. So Let Us Start ..
1. Defragment : All Windows operating systems come with tools that you can use to help keep your computer running in top shape. One such tool is the Disk Defragmenter (defragment), which works to optimize fragmented files on the hard disk drive.
Fragmentation describes the condition of your hard disk drive when files are divided into pieces and scattered around the disk. Fragmentation occurs naturally when you use a disk frequently, just by doing basic tasks like creating, deleting and modifying files .
So go to start and type Disk Deframenter
2 . Now the second way to Monitor your Hardware drive's health. is HDD HEALTH. HDD Health is a full-featured failure-prediction agent for machines using Windows 95, 98, NT, Me, 2000 and XP.
Sitting in the system tray, it monitors hard disks and alerts you to impending failure. The program uses Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.) built into all new hard disks, and can predict failures on your hard drives .
3. Third Way is HDDScan it is a freeware utility for hard drive diagnostics (RAID arrays, Flash USB and SSD drives are also supported). The program can test storage device for errors (Bad-blocks and bad sectors), show S.M.A.R.T. attributes and change some HDD parameters such as AAM, APM, etc.
This Post Will covers the measures that you can take to increase the life of your computer’s hard drive. So Let Us Start ..
1. Defragment : All Windows operating systems come with tools that you can use to help keep your computer running in top shape. One such tool is the Disk Defragmenter (defragment), which works to optimize fragmented files on the hard disk drive.
Fragmentation describes the condition of your hard disk drive when files are divided into pieces and scattered around the disk. Fragmentation occurs naturally when you use a disk frequently, just by doing basic tasks like creating, deleting and modifying files .
So go to start and type Disk Deframenter
2 . Now the second way to Monitor your Hardware drive's health. is HDD HEALTH. HDD Health is a full-featured failure-prediction agent for machines using Windows 95, 98, NT, Me, 2000 and XP.
Sitting in the system tray, it monitors hard disks and alerts you to impending failure. The program uses Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.) built into all new hard disks, and can predict failures on your hard drives .
3. Third Way is HDDScan it is a freeware utility for hard drive diagnostics (RAID arrays, Flash USB and SSD drives are also supported). The program can test storage device for errors (Bad-blocks and bad sectors), show S.M.A.R.T. attributes and change some HDD parameters such as AAM, APM, etc.
4. Fourth way is KEEP YOUR SYSTEM COOL . Now How to Keep Our System cool ?
- Run Your PC With the Case Closed
An "urban legend" about PC cooling is that running your computer with the case open will keep it cooler. It does seem logical - if the case is open, there would be more air flow which would help keep the computer cooler.
The missing puzzle piece here is dirt. When the case is left open, dust and debris clog the cooling fans faster than when the case is closed. This causes the fans to slow down and fail much quicker than usual. A clogged up fan does a terrible job at cooling your expensive computer components.
It's true that running your computer with the case open might provide a small benefit at first, but the increase in fan exposure to debris has a much greater impact on temperature.
- Upgrade the CPU Fan
Your CPU is probably the most sensitive and expensive part inside your computer. It also has the most potential to overheat.
Unless you've replaced your CPU fan already, the one that's in your computer now is probably a bottom-of-the-line fan that cools your processor just enough to keep it working properly, and that's assuming it's running at full speed.
Many companies sell large CPU fans that help keep CPU temperature lower than a factory installed fan ever could
- Install a Case Fan (or Two)
A case fan is just a small fan that attaches to either the front or the back of a computer case, from the inside. Case fans help move air through a computer.
Installing two case fans, one to move cool air into the PC and another to move warm air out of the PC, is a great way to keep a computer cool.
Case fans are even easier to install than CPU fans so don't be afraid to get inside your computer to tackle this project.
- Install a Water Cooling Kit
In very high end computers, heat buildup can become such a problem that even the fastest and most efficient fans can't cool the PC. In these cases, installing a water cooling kit can help. Water transfers heat well and can drastically reduce the temperature of a CPU.
"Water inside a computer? That doesn't sound safe!" Don't worry, the water is completely enclosed inside the transfer system. A pump cycles cool water down to the the CPU where it can absorb the heat and then it pumps the hot water out of your computer where the heat can dissipate.
Water cooling kits are easy to install, even if you've never upgraded a computer before.
- Move Your Computer
Is the area you're running your computer in just too hot or too dirty ? Sometimes your only option is to move the computer. A cooler and cleaner area of the same room might be fine, but you may have to consider moving the computer somewhere else entirely.
So That 's the way .. keep reading for more tips. Share and ENJOY :)